WWE Logo All throughout this blog, I have talked about different parts of the wonder that is the WWE. From the pay-per-views to titles to different factions that ran each era, WWE has always been full of life and love. In this post, I am going to talk about the things I love about WWE ever since I was a little girl. My father has been watching WWE since he was a young boy, and he shared his love of the sport with me and my sisters growing up. We have gone to different events (Raw, Smackdown, Wrestlemania!) and met various superstars. I remember going to meet and greets to get autographs! Wrestling has always been in my family, and I don’t remember a life without it nor do I ever want to know of it. The Bella Twins My favorite diva wrestlers have always been the Bella Twins and Mickey James. They were such great wrestlers and performers. They always made me feel like I could do anything. My favorite male wrestlers definitely varied as I got older. I remember growing up I loved Jeff Hard...